ifort frustration

Quick rant:

I am trying to compile Spider 17.08 in Mac OS X and the compiler assigned by the Makefile_osx_xeon is the Intel Fortran Compiler 9.1.024. So, I got myself a copy of that particular version (you can download them for testing purposes from Intel websie) but somehow the Install.app included was not running...

First I thought it was a corrupted dmg. But, no. Then I open the package with the "Show content" contextual menu, found and install file and double click it... B I G M I S T A K E!

After the computer (self)rebooted I went into the mouted volume (/Volumes/"Disk image name"/ and launched an install.sh...

That worked! It launched the intallation GUI and from there everything worked out fine. Now, I could fine the reason why spider complains when I use this fortran compiler...


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