rc files
I been feeling like to blog but I don't have a lot of things to write about. However, I have something to share... my .vmdrc and .pymolrc files. These files are based on what I have read on the VMD and PyMol websites. Some of the details are well documented others are not. You are free to use them since I probably copied from somewhere else anyway. And so,
# turn on lights 0 and 1
light 0 on
light 1 on
light 2 off
light 3 off
# position the stage and axes
axes location off
stage location off
# position and turn on menus
menu main on
menu graphics on
menu files on
menu display on
menu main move 0 50
menu graphics move 0 270
menu files move 985 625
menu display move 322 560
display projection orthographic
# set orthoscopic, rather than perspective as the default
set orthoscopic, 1
# set size of graphics window
#viewport 800, 600
#viewport 1024,640
viewport 1100, 900
#viewport 1280,1024
#viewport 1440, 900
set movie_loop, 0
set two_sided_lighting, 1
set label_size, 60
set label_outline_color, 1
set label_color, 0
set label_position, [0, 0, 10]
set surface_quality, 1
set sphere_quality, 1
# for images:
# antialias =1 smooths jagged edges, 0 turns it off
set antialias = 1
# stick_radius -adjust thickness of atomic bonds
set stick_radius = 0.3
# turn on lights 0 and 1
light 0 on
light 1 on
light 2 off
light 3 off
# position the stage and axes
axes location off
stage location off
# position and turn on menus
menu main on
menu graphics on
menu files on
menu display on
menu main move 0 50
menu graphics move 0 270
menu files move 985 625
menu display move 322 560
display projection orthographic
# set orthoscopic, rather than perspective as the default
set orthoscopic, 1
# set size of graphics window
#viewport 800, 600
#viewport 1024,640
viewport 1100, 900
#viewport 1280,1024
#viewport 1440, 900
set movie_loop, 0
set two_sided_lighting, 1
set label_size, 60
set label_outline_color, 1
set label_color, 0
set label_position, [0, 0, 10]
set surface_quality, 1
set sphere_quality, 1
# for images:
# antialias =1 smooths jagged edges, 0 turns it off
set antialias = 1
# stick_radius -adjust thickness of atomic bonds
set stick_radius = 0.3
There you go, I hope you find them useful and if you improve upon them... well post them back.