More command line goodies

It is obvious that the previous post could not be enough to cover most of the best tips and tricks of the command line in Mac OS X. So, here we go again.

Note of caution, I still use Mac OS X 10.6.8. I have use SOME of these in 10.7 and they have worked. 

A favorite of mine is mdfind which will run the infamous Mac OS X file searching engine completely from the command line. Or example, a classic:

mdfind mynotes.txt

will try to find that document everywhere. But,

mdfind mynotes.txt -onlyin ~/Documents/ 

will look for that file only in your Documents folders. You can even riffle through the metadata with it. Check your local man pages for more info.

If they can coexist, the GUI and the command line can coexist too.
That is it for now.


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